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December 16, 2003



I'm doing a project on Beethoven and i didn't know that he did soooo much work, i mean I found out that he wrote 676 symphonis!!!!! Wow thats A lot!!!!

Robert Toth, Artist

See site > www.RobertToth.com

Go to Men of Music and The Masters to see Beethoven and others.

Thank you for any feedback


yo g sup wats going on
i luv the stuff why are you like that thoogh
you must get alot of lietters a day


An astonishing site. I came upon it not long ago and I've just printed out the page on music (65 pages of it) so that I can read it more carefully than is possible on screen. I've a Web site myself, at www.linkagenet.com but for some reason it hardly reflects at all my passion for music, and in particular classical music. I play the cello, violin and viola, all equally badly, but I'm basically a listener. It was wonderful to read your comments, so full of insight, and so well written, on matters of such interest to me, such as the Hungarian Quartet's interpretation of Beethoven's Quartet Opus 131. Poetry is discussed more thoroughly on my site, although in a fairly austere way which would be off-putting to some people. I refer to Rilke, there's a long article on 'modulation in the poetry of Jared Carter,' and information about new ideas in poetics. There's also an extensive gardening section, with pages on composting, raised beds and other things. If you do look at the site, you'll find that the site map gives access to these things.

Thank you again for your very lively and interesting site, which I'll return to repeatedly.

By the way, I envy you for the winters in Wisconsin - to have snow in such dependable quantities would suit me completely, based as I am in Sheffield, England.

Best Wishes,
Paul Hurt

An astonishing site. I came upon it not long ago and I've just printed out the page on music (65 pages of it) so that I can read it more carefully than is possible on screen. I've a Web site myself, at www.linkagenet.com but for some reason it hardly reflects at all my passion for music, and in particular classical music. I play the cello, violin and viola, all equally badly, but I'm basically a listener. It was wonderful to read your comments, so full of insight, and so well written, on matters of such interest to me, such as the Hungarian Quartet's interpretation of Beethoven's Quartet Opus 131. Poetry is discussed more thoroughly on my site, although in a fairly austere way which would be off-putting to some people. I refer to Rilke, there's a long article on 'modulation in the poetry of Jared Carter,' and information about new ideas in poetics. There's also an extensive gardening section, with pages on composting, raised beds and other things. If you do look at the site, you'll find that the site map gives access to these things.

Thank you again for your very lively and interesting site, which I'll return to repeatedly.

By the way, I envy you for the winters in Wisconsin - to have snow in such dependable quantities would suit me completely, based as I am in Sheffield, England.

Best Wishes,
Paul Hurt

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