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January 08, 2004



Questions: 1) Did you find seed for Petunia integrifolia? If so, where? I have only been finding plants, and I would like to grow it from seed.
2) What kind of setup do you have for growing seeds? Greenhouse? Lights in the basement? Or . . . ?
3) Are you getting the tall snapdragons in a mix or separate colors? If you can find separate colors please tell me where. And what variety are they?

Comments: I've grown Alcea ficifolia, Petunia integrifolia, Papaver somniferum 'Lauren's Grape' and other colors. They are all great plants.

Bookish Gardener

1) I searched far & wide for Petunia integrifolia. The seeds I got are from Florabunda Seeds in Indian River, Ontario (url: www.florabundaseeds.com), listed under their "Fragrant Annuals" category. This is listed as Petunia integrifolia pendula, and I don't know how different this may be from Petunia integrifolia var. integrifolia (which is being offered plants-only by Select Seeds this year).
2) My seed growing setup is fluorescent lights in a heated basement. We have an unheated sunroom off our garage, but it's all glass with a southern exposure, so the temperature fluctuations are too severe for seed starting, unfortunately.
3)The tall snapdragon seed is also from Florabunda. Not offered in single colors, I'm afraid. Although I'm not a fan of mixes, the promised height (3 feet) is what I'm looking for, and I figure there will be already be mixed colors from the self-sown survivors from last year.

rosemarie hanson

Have you tried Stokes for single colors? They are a great source for flowers. Have you read Sarah Raven's Cutting Garden? It was the book that was my downfall.

Bookish Gardener

Thanks for the lead on Stokes! I haven't read The Cutting Garden yet...your downfall, you say? Sounds most ominous; based on your description alone, it goes to the top of my "to read next" list!


Never heard of Florabunda before. Will have to check them out. I think one year J.L. Hudson had P. integrifolia, but I haven't seen his catalog in years.


Even though he doesn't have a phone, I guess he now has a website: http://www.jlhudsonseeds.net/SeedlistPE-PH.htm and this link will lead you to where he has Petunia, including integrifolia.

Bookish Gardener

Thanks for the link!


I bought seed of petunia integrifolia from JL Hudson's last year and also bought a few plants of Petunia integrifolia var integrifolia from Select Seeds. The plants from seed were just as gorgeous but more vigorous (maybe mailorder annuals have a hard time catching up to home grown!). Also the seed grown plants were slightly more variable in color (all shades of hot pink though). Very easy from seed.


Hello everybody, my name is Damion, and I'm glad to join your conmunity,
and wish to assit as far as possible.


Hello everybody, my name is Daniel, and I'm glad to join your conmunity,
Wish to assist as far as possible.

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