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May 17, 2004



What a beautiful passage; I will be sure to check the book out. We have "volunteer" Rose of Sharon everywhere here. I find them quite lovely although others consider them common. I love the relation of childhood memories to flora and fauna. I have so many of Texas wildflowers from my early childhood....

Chan S.

Thanks, Avril. I remember many volunteer roses-of-sharon along the roadsides in Korea as well. Your Texas wildflower memories must be lovely. I've spent no time in Texas but to drive through it, but I've been thrilled with the seeds I've had this year from Wildseed Farms (around a 500% germination rate--exaggerating, but only slightly) and looking forward to the flowers.


Right now Indiana is full of blooms from peonies, a gift from Korea to us. Being cosmopolitan, we made this non-native our state flower.

Chan S.

The peony's Indiana's state flower? I'll just have to move there! (I do have a brother in Dyer, so I'll think of myself as a resident by proxy.) Peony season's just beginning up here. I've seen a few early bloomers in other gardens, and have been impatiently watching the pot for the first blooms this season in my garden--should be within a week.

Andrew Spark

I am not from your area but I did enjoy my visit.

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